Five New Cannabis Books Released in 2024

1. Green Scenes: A Guide to Legal Cannabis Destinations and Experiences Across the US by Lauren Yoshiko

"The first-ever travel guide to cool, ethically-operated legal cannabis destinations across the US."

Across 15 states, 24 cities with legalized cannabis, "this guide comprises 120 of the most interesting dispensaries, hemp-friendly spaces, and cannabis consumption-welcoming experiences and lodging in the country." Most, if not all, are locally owned creative businesses aiming to contribute to the growing cannabis industry. The guide also features a Q&A with cannabis entrepreneurs who helped make these types of businesses possible. 

Available at Bookshop

2. Medical Cannabis: The Beginner's Handbook by Mr. John C. Scott

Written by an experienced pharmacist, John C. Scott's comprehensive guide is an up-to-date guide on medical cannabis. He includes everything from methods of administration, how to find the optimum dosage and when to take breaks, evidence based information on treating various conditions such as anxiety and epilepsy, what to look for when buying medical cannabis and CBD, and possible side effects. His guide is an essential tool as medical cannabis continues to be utilized across the country, allowing readers to make informed decisions on how cannabis can positively affect their lives. 

Available Here

3. Cannabis vs. Marijuana: Language, Landscape and Context by David Paleschuck

”A trailblazing work at a crucial juncture. This book sparks the essential dialogue needed to reshape our language, challenge stereotypes, and build a more inclusive and informed future for cannabis."
― Dale Sky Jones, Executive Chancellor of Oaksterdam University

David Paleschuck examines the role terminalogy plays in the rapidly evolving cannabis indudstry, and his book serves as a guide for for policymakers, researchers, industry professionals, advocates, and consumers, who want to participate in the discussion in a constructive way. The influence of language on society can be changed with the right terminology, something critical with cannabis. He delves into the history, culture, legilsation, and more, and how the ongoing dialogue needs to shift from past perceptions and myths to a more grounded understanding where all members of society is all on the same page in the conversation on cannabis. 

Available Here

4. Craft Weed, with a new preface by the author: Family Farming and the Future of the Marijuana Industry Paperback by Ryan Stoa

"As the era of marijuana prohibition comes to an end, now is the time to think about what kind of marijuana industry and marijuana agriculture we want. Craft Weed will help us plan for a future that is almost here."

Featuring interviews with veteran and novice marijuana growers, politicians, activists, and investors, Ryan Stoa proposes that the future of the cannabis industry should be led by sustainable, local farms, and how that type of model (already found in the wine industry) is perhaps one of the best options for the future of cannabis. He explores the history of cannabis farming, the legalization process, regulatory efforts, the differences between indoor and outdoor cultivation, and the environmental effects. With his extensive research, he proposes the many benefits of marijuana farming and the positive impact it can have on many areas of the country. 

Available at Bookshop

5. Rocky Mountain High Priestess: One Woman’s Courageous Healing Journey Fighting Cancer With Cannabis: A True Story by Kelly Doering

In her short and concise memior, Kelly Doering's courageous and vulnerable story is how she fled to the Colorado Rocky Mountain's to fight her cancer after questioning Western Medicine. There, she found solace and healing as she faced her illness. Her story is a testament to the power of cannabis as an alternative medicine. 

Available at Bookshop
